Taking our BEST RESOURCES and making them available to EVERYONE

are you tired of having unrealized

we've been there and we can help.

Do you get overwhelmed when you think about studying the Bible?  Are you insecure about your ability to make disciples? Is it time for you to get emotionally healthy? Are you disappointed that you struggle to seek God? Do you feel bothered by injustice in the world?

Get the training you need to

words in cursive - walk worthy

of your calling

– Take exclusive GSM courses at your own pace.

– Go deeper with discounted bundled courses.

– prepare for ministry with pastoral credentials.

– pursue undergrad or graduate ministry degrees.

We've trained HUNDREDS of people...

We know what it’s like to feel frustrated because you’re not progressing the way you want to. We created the Greenhouse School of Ministry to give Christians the tools they need to get out of their rut and on the path to maturity. Over the past 15 years, we have helped hundreds of people to trust more deeply in Jesus, experience the abundant life that He promised, and truly live out their God-given calling.

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Here are some of the GSM Courses You could take:

Justice & Global Missions

Discover a biblical framework of doing justice and reaching the world.


Pursue healing in your spirit, soul and body.


Learn the fundamental principles of spiritual leadership.


Practice the spiritual disciplines and develop a thriving prayer life.


Study best practices that will help you fulfill your role in completing the great commission.

Biblical studies

Understand the big picture of the Bible and learn the principles of interpreting it correctly.

looking for college credit and a degree?!

We have partnered with Trinity Bible College to offer:

A path to credentialing in the Assemblies of God that also gives you college credit

“Pack Your Bags” Summer Mission Trips (and receive college credit while doing so!)

Undergraduate degrees

Masters and PhD Graduate Degrees

Great lives

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Great preparation

You were created in Christ Jesus to do good works. Get trained so you can walk in them.

Great lives require

Great preparation

Inherently, we know this is true…

Great athletes require great discipline and effort. They must endure grueling practices, restrict their diet, spend hours studying game film, and make countless sacrifices if they want to win their prize.
Great doctors require great investments during 7 years of schooling and residency. Great musicians require great muscle memory that comes from great practice. Great events require great planning. Great bodies require great workouts. Great grades require great studying.

It’s inescapable. Preparation is a prerequisite to success, and the best successes require the best training.

The problem is, most of us hate training. Athletes don’t like to practice and students don’t like to study. We live in a culture with a bare minimum mentality that has us perpetually looking for shortcuts. Microwaves, cliff notes, diet pills, performance enhancing drugs… the list feels endless.

Great lives require great preparation shirt
woman laughing in group
hand on bible

When you hold up our general laziness against the canvas of issues in our world the picture looks bleak. We have too many problems to be solved and too many gifted people not solving them. God has prepared good works in advance for us to do. He has called us to make a difference.

Our world is in need of a generation that is willing to pay the price in order to live great lives of significance and compassion. Men and women who will make the necessary sacrifices to glorify God by changing our world. Will you be one of them?

Throughout history, the people of God have dedicated themselves to the purposes of God by submitting to a process of training. Joshua spent years learning from Moses. Elisha left his job and devoted himself to learn the ways of Elijah. The apostles set apart 3 years to apprentice with Jesus. Timothy dedicated time to follow Paul.

God’s methods of development have not changed.

No matter what you feel called to do, a season of preparation will help you lay the foundation you need. We invite you to follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before you. Come and discover the exponential growth that comes with dedicated training.

You won’t regret it.